Rev. Francis A. Latta, the oldest son of Rev. Dr
James Latta, was born April 27, 1766. He was ordained as a Presbyterian
clergyman Nov. 23, 1796, and was pastor successively of Presbyterian churches
in Wilmington, Del, and Lancaster and Chestnut Level, Pa, in which latter
place he also maintained a classical school for many years. In the year
1826 he moved to Sadsbury twp, Chester Co, and established the Moscow Academy,
a classical and literary institution, which flourished for some years.
He was a man of remarkable well-cultivated mind, a poet of no mean order, a
very superior classical and Hebrew scholar, and was one of the greatest
instructors of his day. He was able to debate, discriminating and
decided in judgment, and was a model in the pulpit. In his manners he
was social and in his deportment humble and unostentatious. He died
April 21, 1834.