Joseph Moore

He was a shoemaker by trade but in conjunction with his wife opened a dry goods store on Bank St.,where they were enabled to realize a competency,not withstanding their hospitality.It is said that Yearly Meeting time they lodged thirty Friends,the men in one room and the women in another,though the house was not a large one;and when Friendly looking persons came into the store Sarah was very apt to find they were relatives and insist on their taking a meal with them. The lot on Arch St.which they held by purchase and inheritance,was sold during the Revolution to Samuel Wetherell,for Lb.50,Pa.currency.In later life,when he saw the great advance in real estate,Joseph Moore much regretted their having made this sale. After the Revolution,at the reorganization of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society,in 1784,Joseph became a member,and for some years was on the commitee to visit the prison in search of such colored personsas might be committed there ,legally or otherwise,on the charge of being fugitive slaves,and to insure them a fair trial.At the organization of the Prison Society he became identified with it also. He always made his own shoes,taking plenty of time that they might be well seasoned;and after Congress removed to Washington he usually paid a visit to that city during each session.On such an occasion he entertained some of the members by stating that his shoemaker was his barber,and his barber was his tailor,,and probably mentioned some other accomplishment;so that they thought his shoemaker must be a very useful man.He had patterns by which he cut the matierials for his coat,vest and pants,and made these up himself.His white beaver hat ,according to a fashion,with many Friends,had the fur immediatly above the brim brushed smooth,and the upper part rough. When his grandchildren were left orphans they were brought to his home and cared for,and he was likewise attentive to his stepchildren.He died 12-25-1817,in his 77th year.

This page updated on March 8, 2013