- Episcopal Churches pre 1881
- St. David commonly called Radnor 1708 built 1715
- St. John's in West Caln 1729
- St. Peters in East Whiteland c1752
- St. John's in Penn Twp 1722
- St. Mary's in the village of St Mary's in Warwick Twp 1806
- St. Andrew's in West Vincent
- St. Peter's at Phoenixville 1840
- St. Mark's in Honeybrook (for photo and cemetery reading click here)
- St. John's in Penn Twp
- St. Paul's in West Whiteland 1702 reorganized 23 Feb 1828
- Holy Trinity at Coatsville 1835
- St. James in Downingtown 1842
- Church of the Good Samartian in Paoli
- Church of the Holy Trinity in West Chester borough 1859
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church - 1704 - history and early members
This page was updated on January 17, 2011