Mt Olivet Christian Church


Mt. Olivet Christian Church aka “Plummerite” (aka Free Will Baptist?),
corner of Walker and Mt. Olivet Roads, Franklin Township (near Kemblesville),
Chester County, PA.  On private property.  Ruins of brick church.  The following
stones remain as of 6/27/04:
Sarah, wife of William HARLAN, died July 8, 1865, in the 73rd year of her age
Joel HARLAN, born December 22, 1821, died January 15, 1893, “Gone but not
Elnora, wife of Joel HARLAN, born 9th month 20, 1829, died 1st month 19, 1910
(Note Quaker dating on this one!!)
Mary Ann, wife of Jacob GILMAN, born April 16, 1814, died February 12, 1852
Hannah W. GILMAN, born April 18, 1846, died November 23, 1923
Sacred to the Memory of Our Father, Jacob GILMAN, died October 9th, 1887,
aged 87 years
Joseph H. JACKSON, died July 25, 1857, aged 78 years, “A kind husband and
Margaret JACKSON, died March 18, 1869, aged 90 years, “Her children also
shall rise up and call her blessed”
Margaret A. JONES, born December 22, 1841, died February 6, 1926
Joseph MONTGOMERY, born July 7, 1799, died May 11, 1890
In Memory of Gilley CONAWAY, who departed this life February 6, 1866, aged 61
years, “Gone but not forgotten”
Our Mother, Delilah, wife of John POWELL, born January 25, 1818, died January
4, 1897, “Safe in the arms of Jesus”
MONTGOMERY, Alexander 1826-1908, his wife Sarah GLENN 1848-1910, Fred (son)