Charlestown Tax List 1735-6

Note: This is a combination of 2 lists and any differences in spelling are in parentheses.
- James Anderson (Andrewson)
- David John Bookbinder
- John Buchwalder (Buckwalder)
- Moses Coats
- George Creswell
- Evan David
- Jenkin David
- John David
- Lewellin David
- Phillip David
- Rees David
- Stephen David
- Thos. David
- David Davis
- John Evan
- Peter Gardner
- David Gibby
- James Glascow
- David Griffith
- Wm. Griffith(s)
- Thos. Howell
- Cadwallader Hughs
- David Humphry
- Morgan Humphry
- John Evan Jenkin
- Dan'll John
- David John, bookbinder
- James John
- Rees John
- Rees John Jun'r
- Thomas John (or John Thomas - or both?)
- Dan'll Jones
- Emanuell Jones
- John Jones
- Wm. Jones
- Lewis Martin
- Mathias Martin
- Christian Mary
- David Mathias
- Evan Miles
- Wm. Moore
- Rees Prees (Price?)
- Griffith Pritchard
- Rees Pritchard
- George Reece (Rees)
- Catharine Rees
- Wm. Reynolds
- John Evan Smith
- James Star
- David Thomas, wever
- Griffith Thomas
- Josiah Thomas
- Owen William
This page updated on March 23, 2009