Pocopson Township was formed in 1849 from parts of Pennsbury, East Marlborough, Newlin and West Bradford and was named from the stream which flows through it. When the township was erected the names of Union and Locust Grove were suggested, but the inhabitants had the good taste to select that given it. The township is bounded on its eastern side by there Brandywine.

In the early days of the province, Benjamin Chambers of Philadelphia took up a large quantity of land on the Brandywine which he sold to settlers. Joseph Taylor purchased several hundred acres from him in 1711, and afterwards built a mill on the Pocopson Creek. The Marshalls settled the northern part, and were succeeded by the Bakers. A part of the lands on which Richard Barnard (3rd) had settled were included in that part of Newlin taken in the formation of this township.

This page updated on February 28, 2009