Abraham Marshall, 1760
I Abraham Marshall of West Bradford in the County of Chester and province of pensilvania Yeoman being weak of body but of perfect mind & memory and Considering the uncertinty of life in this world, Do make this my Last will & testament this twelfth Day of the fourth month in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty, in Manner and form following: first it is my will and order that all my just Debts & Funeral Charges be fully paid & satisfied.
Item, I Give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Mary Marshall the use of that room in which I now Liveth During her Nateral Life also I Give & bequeath unto her all my Personal estate, excepting a bond that is Due at my Decease Given to me by my son Humphrey Marshall in Consideration for the place I now liveth on, which Sum netioned int hat Bond.
I Give unto my other Children, and order him to pay it in Manner & form following first I give unto my Son Isaac Marshall the Sum of ten pounds, as also unto my Son James Marshall the Sum of five pounds, also unto my Daughter Hannah Gibbons the sum of fifty pounds, also the remainder being fifty pounds unto my Son in Law William Woodward for him to Divide amongst his Children as he sees Cause, I also Give unto my eldest son Samuel's Daughter the Sum of five Shillings. I also Give unto my Son John's widow the Sum of five shillings, I also Give unto my Son Abram's widow the Sum of five Shillings, I also Give unto my Son Abram's widow the Sum of five Shillings I also give unto my Wife all the rest of my personal Estate to her & her heirs to Dispose of as she sees fit, after the above mentioned Legacies and Debts & funerall Charges are fully paid, and I appoint nominate & ordain my sons Humphry Marshall & James to be my Executors of this my Last Will and testament revoking and disanulling all former will or wills, and allowing this only to Stand, in wittness whereof I the sd Abraham Marshall have hereunto let my hand & seal the Day and Year above written
signed Sealed & published in the presence of us
Richard Baker
Joel Baily
Faithfull Steuart (?) Abraham/Marshall his mark
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