CONARD, Dennis, of whose name in German a great many different versions are given, came from Crefeld on the Rhine and settled at Germantown in 1683. His second son, Matthias, was the father of Cornelius Conard, of Horsham, and he was the father of Everard Conard, who married Margaret Cadwalader, and about the year 1784 removed to New London township, where he purchased 300 acres of land. His children were Isaac, Cornelius, Abraham, Everard, Jesse, Sarah, Mary, and Margaret, all of whom left families except Isaac and Margaret. Isaac and Abraham settled in Lampeter, Lancaster Co., and the latter was the ancestor of Samuel Conard and his cousin, Isaac Cooper, of the firm of Cooper & Conard, of Philadelphia. Jesse Conard married, 2,10,1802, Ann, daughter of Thomas and Susanna Pennington, and was the father of Rachel, David, Ruth, Thomas, Ann (married to Job H. Jackson), Milton (now a director of the poor), Everard, Susanna, and Lydia (married to Thomas Gawthorp).
Thomas Conard, son of Jesse, owned and conducted a boarding school at West Grove for several years, in which he was succeded by his son, Thomas P. Conard, now of Philadelphia. His eldest son, Alfred F. Conard, is of the Dingee & Conard Company, rose-growers.
Joseph Conard, son of Cornelius, of Horsham, and brother of Everard, of
New London, settled in Tredyffrin township. His son Paul was the father of
Jesse Conard, Esq., of the Chester County bar, and of Rebecca and Sarah
Conard, the latter being now the widow of Abia Passmore. Rebecca was the
author of some poems, which have been published in book form. She died in
West Chester, 5,1,1875, at the age of 75 years.