established 1810...the following were members at that date
- Henry Benner
- Elizabeth Bentley
- Lydia Benntley
- James Black
- Robert Chalfant
- Phebe Chalfant
- Jane Durham
- John Faddis
- Christian Graybill
- Wm Griffith
- Margaret Griffith
- Sarah Grubb
- Hannah Humphrey
- Mary Humpton
- Richard Jones
- Phebe Jordan
- Wm Keepers
- James Lott
- Sarah Lott
- Hannah Love
- Margaret McWilliams
- Matson Marsh
- Elizabeth Morris
- Ann Morris
- Haines Parker
- Elizabeth Peall
- Elizabeth Perry
- Elizabeth Phillips
- John Powell
- Rachel Powell
- David Powell
- Sarah Powell
- Mary Powell
- John Quaintance
- Peter Rubineam
- Hannah Rubinueam
- Elizabeth Shields
- Geo Sinn
- Wm Stewart
- Jean Stewart
- Thomas Stroud
- Ruth Strode
- Andrew Thomas
- Abigail Warner
- Rebecca Welsh
- Sarah Welsh
- Ann Welsh
- Prudence Wilkinson
- Benjamin Williams
- Ann Wilson
- Thomas Young
- Elizabeth Young
- Martha Young
- Elenor Young
The name of the above members was followed but these, who were not present at the time the church was constituted
- Christian Brockman
- Rachel Davis
- Mary Davis
- Hannah Faddis
- John Gorrel
- Jacob Graybill
- Anna Graybill
- Mary Jones
- Lantulus Kirk
- Rachel Kirk
- John Matthias
- Rebecca Matthias
- James McCurdy
- Martha McCurdy
- Prudence Nichols
- Stephen Nelson
- Lydia Nelson
- Margaret Philips
- John Pettit
- Mary Pettit
- Hulda Rambo
- Martha Rees
- Andrew Sinn
- Margaret Sinn
- John Steward
- Sarah Stroud
- Margaret Thomas
- Elenor Williams
- Elizabeth Shields
This page updated on 5 March 2015