Richard Sheldon Will written 18 Oct 1751 proved 27 Oct 1752, incl. estate inventory. In the name of God Amen-----I Richard Sheldon of the town of Marple County of Chester & Province of Pennsylvania being weak in body but of perfect memorey and understanding but knowing that it is appointed for all men once too die, do make and put in writing this my last will & testament in the manner & form following, that is to say first my will is that Ann my beloved wife shall remain in full possesion of that peice parcel or tract of land whereon I now live as also of all my goods & chattels whilest she continues in my name & that at her decease she shall have liberty to dispose of what goods she brought with her to this places at her pleasure, also my will is that my Son Joseph shall have & hold the said tract of land during his life & from him to descend to his eldest son William and so to continue & remain to the eldest of the male line for ever Also I leave my said son Joseph my dressers my largest chest & my bedstead & bolster & supposing his wife should survive him my will is that she have liberty to live on ye places & have priviledge to keep a Mear (mare?) & a cow & to have ten bushels of wheat yearly with wood found her & liberty of water also I lease my said son Joseph my whipp saw crosscut saw & all my carpentar tools as also my beaver hatt, & all my wearing appearall, I leave to my grandson Wm. Sheldon my gunn & to my grandson Jonathan Sheldon my Pitching Axes, also to my daughter Mary I leave all the remainder of my household goods & chattels, I do make & appoint my beloved wife Ann & my son Joseph Executors of this may last will & testament and do hereby revoke & disannull all other testaments wills & legacies & executons by me made in any wise before this time named ratifying & confirming this my last will & testament. Signed & sealed In ye presence of Richard Sheldon (seal) Jonathan James Joseph Sill William Quin --------------- Chester October 27th 1752 Then personally appeared Joseph Sill and William Quin two of the witnesses to the within will and on their oaths on the holy evangelists of Almighty God did depose and say that they were personally present and did see and hear Richard Sheldon the testator within named sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the within writing to be his Last Will & testament, and that at his doing hereof he was sound mind and memory to the best of their understandings, and also that their names thereunto subscribed as witnesses are of their own proper handwritings respectively- Jurat Coram - Jo. Parker, D. Reg'r. An inventory of the estate goods rights and credits of Richard Sheldon of Marple in the county of Chester deceas'd as it was shew'd us the apprissers hereafter named upon the twenty sixth day of the tenth month 1752 By Ann Sheldon and Joseph Sheldon Executors of his last will and testament - To his wearing apparel £ 2.0.0 To several pices of cloath 5.6.9 To a piece of cersy 1.19.0 To puter and erthen wear 1.10.0 To two chests and a table 1.5.0 To an oake chest and chaires 1.18.0 To felt hats 0.18.0 To a fether bed 2.10.0 To mauling (?) and wedges chains swing(?) ?.18.0 To an iron pot and plowirons 0.15.0 To a cutting knife and steel a sythe & hayknife 0.14.0 To pleans augors and chisels 0.14.0 To 2 handsaws one whipsaw & an iron square 2.1.6 To a drawing knife a hacsele? & several belles 0.11.0 To an ax spade and sunderyes 0.3.0 To a horse and a mare 10. 0.0 To a cart 1.0.0 To an iron pot and bakeing iron 0.8.6 To a warming pan and frying pay 0.8.0 To a pair of hilyards 0.6.0 [total] £ 50.5.9 Appraised by us Mordecai Maric (Maris) [second signature cut off]